One Mic Stand-up Schedule 01/2022
Hi everyone, welcome to our first newsletter. January continues our series of comedy in Potters Park, Oro Glen Eden returns and there will be a gig at Oro’s new Onehunga branch. Mr Wang’ aren’t sure if they are opening under “Red”, if they don’t we will just move the gig to Potters Park.
Park Comedy
Every Tuesday from 6:30 until 8 PM, but if there’s more people wanting to perform we’ll continue until sunset.
In Potters Park. Event Link.
Free Comedy, Mt Eden
Monday the 3rd. Our premier event. If they reopen in time it will be at Mr Wang’/Eden Gaming at 7:00 PM otherwise at Potters Park at 6:30. 90 minutes running time. Event Link.
Oro Comedy Club, Onehunga
Friday 14th at 7:00 to 8:30 PM. A new gig at our long term partner Oro’s new boutique cafe in Onehunga. Event Link.
Oro Comedy Club, Glen Eden
Friday 28th, 7:00 to 8:30 PM. At the original Oro in Glen Eden. Round off the weekend with them. Event Link.
Performer Sign-up
All these gigs are open mics and we welcome performers of all levels of experience, including those who have never performed before. Beginners can sign-up on the night if we have time, or can book in through our sign-up form.
NB: This form also contains the last two 2021 events to avoid double entry. Requests made in the 2021 form are still in the system so no need to repeat.